Family Crest Finder

The Cleveland Family Crest

In 1851 an eminent English antiquarian wrote to Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe, of Buffalo, N. Y., ""that the Clevelands of America were descended from William Cleveland, who removed from York to Hinckley in Leicestershire, where he was buried-a very old man-in 1630. His son, Thomas, became Vicar of Hinckley, the family estate. One of his sons was John Cleveland, the poet. Another son, Thomas, may have been the father of Moses Cleveland, the emigrant, who came in 1635, from Ipswich, Suffolk Co., England, to Massachusetts."" The arms we give were granted to Sir Guy de Cleveland, who commanded the English spearmen at the battle of Poictien. There is also a tradition that a Cleveland of Hinckley came over to Virginia with Skipworth and Herrick. He was later (1653) at Salem, Mass.

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Pro Deo et patria.For God and Fatherland.Semel et Semper.Once and always.
A Demi Old Man, Habited, Azure, Having On His Head A Cap, Gules, Turned Up, With A Hair Front, Holding In His Hand A Spear, Headed, Argent, On The Top Of Which Is Fixed A Line, Proper, Passing Behind Him And Coiled Up In The Sinister Hand.
America Hereldica