Family Crest Finder

The Joüet Family Crest

Daniel Joüet, eldest son of Daniel Joüet of the Isle of Ré, France, left France, for religious motives, in the autumn of 1686, for Plymouth, England, from whence he sailed for Rhode Island. He descended, without doubt, from the noble family of Joüet, of the Province of Anjou, feudal Lords of the Seigneuries of La Saullaye and Piedouault. One of his ancestors, Gabriel Joüet, was Mayor of the City of Angers in 1623. Before that, a Joüet had occupied high functions at the Court of the French Kings. The descendants of Daniel, the elder son of the emigrant, remained faithful to the British crown during the Revolutionary struggle, and suffered largely in their fortune, on that account. On the other hand, the descendants of Pierre Joüet, the second son of the emigrant, who settled in Virginia, were ardently engaged on the Revolutionary side, one of them, Captain Jack Joüet, by hard riding, in May, 1781, apprising the fugitive Virginia Legislature, then sitting at Charlottesville, of the appro

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