Family Crest Finder

The Foster Family Crest

Reginald Foster of Little Badow, Co. Essex, England, landed at Ipswich, Mass., in 1638. He belonged to the Foster family of Bamborough and Etherstone Castle, Co. Northumberland. Reginald brought with him five sons and two daughters. We find also in the Old Burial Ground, at Charlestown, Mass., the tombstone [with the arms we give] of the wife of Richard Foster, Junior [1724]. He was the grandson of William Foster, known to have been in Charlestown, about 1650. These arms, crest and motto, are those of the Fosters or Forsters of Brickhill, Co. Bedford, and the Bogue, Co. Lancaster, also represented by the Fosters, of Jamaica, in the West Indies. Various ancient silver articles with the Foster arms are preserved in America, among others a large tankard, with the arms beautifully engraved and the tinctures clearly indicated. It is in the possession of Edward Ingersoll Browne, of Boston, the lineal descendant of the Brownes of Watertown, a full notice of which family is found page 54, and

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Si fractus fortis.If broken, still strong.
An Arm In Armour Embowed, Holding In The Hand A Broken Tilting Spear: Proper.
America Hereldica