Family Crest Finder

The Lloyd Family Crest

In 1679, James Lloyd, Esquire, of Boston, son of Sir John Lloyd of Bristol, England, succeeded, partly by purchase, partly in right of his wife, Grizzle Sylvester, daughter of the original proprietor, to the estate called, later, the ""Manor of Lloyd's Neck,"" on Long Island. His son, Henry, second Lord of the Manor, married in 1708 a daughter of John Nelson, Esquire, of Boston. The arms we give have been constantly used by the first American ancestors of the family, and ever since by their descendants. Seals, plate, old portraits, dating from the XVII. century and the beginning of the XVIII., bear all the same devices. The arms of this family are officially accepted by Burke.

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I live and die for those I love.Please God I live, I'll go.
A Pelican, Or, Feeding Her Young: Proper.
America Hereldica