Family Crest Finder

The Skipwith Family Crest

During Cromwell's Protectorate, the grandson of Henry Skipwith, a distinguished poet of the Elizabethian period, took refuge in Virgina, and settled there in the county of Middlesex. He called his estate ""Prestwould,"" after the Leicestershire Estate that had belonged so long to his family. The Skipwiths descend from Robert de Estotville, Baron of Cottingham (tempo William the Conqueror). They possessed large estates in Cos. Lincoln and Warwick; and a baronetcy— that of Newbold—was conferred to a Sir Fulwar Skipwith, and became extinct in 1790. The Baronetcy of Prestwould (created, 1622) still xists, however, having be en inherited by Sir Grey Skipwith [of the Virginia family]. He left a younger brother in Virginia, who lives on the paternal estates.

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