Family Crest Finder

The Jafferey Family Crest

Referring to our notice of the Jeffries family, we wish to give here a separate notice to the Jaffreys of New Hampshire, who, although extinct in the male line, are still represented—as stated in our first notice—by the Jeffries of Massachusetts. The Jaffrays of Kings Wells, county Kincardine, Scotland, were represented in New England, at the end of the XVII. century, by George Jaffrey, of Portsmouth, N. H., Speaker of the Assembly of his adopted colony, who died in 1707. His son, George, married a daughter of the first David Jeffries. Their daughter, Sarah, married her cousin, David Jeffries, and the grandson of that David, George J. Jeffries, assumed the name of Jaffrey in 1802, in accordance with the will of his granduncle, George, the last Jaffrey in that line. We understand that the arms of the Jaffreys, and not the arms of the Jeffries, are used by the descendants of that George Jaffrey (Jeffries). Seals, plates, letters of the time, confirm the above statements, which are accept

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