Family Crest Finder

The Ludlow Family Crest

The Ludlow family derives its name from the town of Ludlow, in Shropshire, England. In 1349, Sir Laurence de Ludlowe founded the Monastery of St. Mary White-Friars, in that town. The emigrant, Gabriell Ludlow, who came over to New York in 1694, was issued from a branch of the family settled, since the XIV. century, at Hill Deverill, in Wiltshire. To the same family belonged Lieutenant General Sir Edmund Ludlow of Maiden Bradley, who died in exile (1693) for having voted the death of Charles I. The Earldom of Ludlow (extinct, 1842) was in the family. A complete pedigree to date exists in the archives of the New York Ludlow family. In the older engravings, the animals charged on the shield have always been found to be martens, not bears.

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Spero infestis, metuo secundis.In adversity, I hope; in prosperity, I fear.
A Lion, Rampant.
America Hereldica