Newall Family Crests. Which Newall is your family?
You searched for 'Newall', but there are 5 families with that name in our historic records. Do you know where your family came from, recognise the name of an ancestor or see your crest? If so, please click on your family from the list below..
Family History
William Anderson’s “The Scottish Nation” first published in 1863 gives the following description of the Newall origins:
“Newall, derived from Neville, or Noel, the surname of a family of Norman extraction, which came to Scotland about the 16th Century, and settled in Galloway.
William Newall of Barskeoch in Kells and Earlston in Dalry, in the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, married Jean Boyle Cunningham, eldest daughter of Sir Alexander Cunningham of Corshill, great grandson of James, Earl of Glencairn, and had 5 sons and 2 daughters. The sons were, 1. John. 2. Robert. 3. Charles. 4. William. 5. James.
John, the eldest son, married, 1st Jean Blair, daughter of ___Blair of Dunrod, issue, 5 sons; and 2dly, Agnes, daughter of W. Rorison of Ardoch, and had 2 sons and some daughters. The sons of both marriages all died without issue. The last of them was Colonel Newall Maxwell of Goldilea, he having taken the name of Maxwell from his wife.
James, the youngest son of William Newall of Barskeoch, married his 2d cousin, Agnes Montgomery McCulloch, daughter of John McCulloch, Esq., his mother being descended from the Eglinton family. They left one son, Thomas Cuthbert, and three daughters.
The son, Thomas Cuthbert Newall, married Janet Brackenridge, eldest daughter of William Brackenridge, Dowhill, Ayrshire, issue, 6 sons and 3 daughters.
James, the eldest son, succeeded Colonel Newall Maxwell as proprietor of Goldilea, and represents the male line of Newall of Barskeoch and Earlston.”
The National Archives of Scotland record a 1665 marriage contract between Adam Newall of Barskeoch and Sara Fergusone (Ferguson?) sister of Robert Fergusone of Craigdarroch, so the Newall’s had been at Barskeoch prior to the William Newall first mentioned by William Anderson above and given the dates I presume that William was the son of Adam and Sara Newall.
There are records of 2 other contemporary Adam Newalls; one being the factor of The Earl of Southesk (who was alleged to have absconded with some of the rents) and a shoemaker in Dumfries. Assuming, of course, that they aren’t all the same man (insert cobblers joke of your choice here) it does indicate that the name had spread in the area.
Presumably it was this Adam Newall of Barskeoch who registered arms at the Lord Lyon’s office in 1677 according the Sir james Balfour Paul’s “An ordinary of Arms”.
The arms granted were: “Parted per saltire gu. and arg. three bustards rising counter changed of the second and first.” Paul does not record crests or mottoes but it is quite usual to have the main charge from the arms as a crest and the Newall’s of Barskeoch crest is a bustard with a pen in it’s claw.
Both Fairbairns and Burkes General Armory also include a Newall crest of a falcon with a pen in it’s claw and I suspect that this is in fact a duplication or misattribution of the Newall bustard. However I have no idea why the Newall’s chose a bustard. It is an unusual choice. We only have 8 crests involving a bustard in our database.
In 1686 Adam Newall was listed by the Scottish Parliament (15 June 1686 per the University of St Andrews “Records of the Scottish parliament to 1707" as a Commissioner of Supply for the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Commissioners of supply, who were selected from the ranks of major local landowners, were responsible for the local government and tax collection in their sheriffdom from 1667 till 1890, when their powers were transferred to local councils. So this would indicate that Adam Newall of Barskeoch was a man of some substance.
William was succeeded by his eldest son, John Newall of Barskeoch and Earlston, 1733-1793, whose portrait in miniature (courtesy of a private family collection) is shown below.

In common with many scots landed families the sons joined the army or sought their fortune with the East India company.
The Scots Magazine in 1810 records the death in Poona of Lieutenant Patrick Heron Newall of the Madras European Regiment. He was the “youngest son of the late John Newall of Barskeoch.”
The Gentlemans Magazine in 1827 contains an obituary of Lt Col David Newall, another son of John Newall of Barskeoch. Lt Col Newall started his military career as an ensign in the Madras Army in 1795 and was distinguished for his energy and good conduct in the field. He was appointed Commander of the Bath and in 1820 appointed British Resident at the courts of the Rajahs of Travancore and Cochin.
The Edinburgh Annual register for 1825 records the death at Gillsland of John Newall, late of Hon East India Company and son of John Newall of Barskeoch.
John Newall’s neice, Mary (daughter of James Newall) married Rev Alexander McGowan, sometime tutor to John Newall’s children and subsequently minister at Dalry, Kirkcudbright. They had 17 children and the youngest daughter, Alexandrina married, as his first wife, John Stedman Christie at Goldilea, the home of Col Newall Maxwell. Their daughter, Mathilda, married Charles Carthew, second son of Maj. Gen Morden Carthew and their daughter, Alexandrina Marsden, was the celebrated 2nd world war heroine (Resistance Nurse – Odhams 1963) and great grandmother of the author.